Maywood Academy Library

The library is for everyone!

Every book has the potential to help us learn and grow as individuals.  As we use our imagination to create the images of the story in our mind, we awaken parts of our brains that might have been resting. 


Time to find a book, check it out, and spend some time reading.  Your brain will thank you!

And don't forget... "Reading is FUNdamental!"
See you soon,
Ms. Gath :)

Check out Ms. Gath's Reading Room!  Click on the pictures for different links to all kinds of resources!  Have fun looking around!


And don’t forget to view some of the book talks by our students!  You might find the book you’ve been looking for!

Library Practice
This course is for Seniors only who are on track to graduate and in good academic standing.  It is designed to introduce informational literacy skills, and help you become college and career ready.  This course consists of independent and collaborative assignments as well as hands-on activities and practical exercises on how to locate and use information properly and effectively.  Sections of this class are limited to 6 people.


You can request this on their preference sheets.  Read the full description below and click the button Library practice application to apply.

Library Practice is - 

College and career readiness:

  • Customer service/workforce development – completing clerical tasks for librarian, office staff and counselors
  • Preparation for entry-level library clerkship with LAPL: understanding the operation and organization of a library. 
    • literacy skills (Fiction) 
    • numeracy skills (Non--fiction)
  • Trouble shoot technology problems – hardware and software (blog, library website/online course, apps (flipgrid for book reviews, nearpod for class lessons))
  • Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose 
  • Using digital library to access information, develop research skills by evaluating so evaluate information and its sources critically 
  • Online courses – Career Exploration & Courses on Everfi
  • Personal management skills to complete weekly tasks such as cleaning and organizing shelf assignments, and completion of online self-paced courses. 
  • Take responsibility for decision and actions and accept consequences of decisions and actions.
  • Maintaining professional interactions with staff and students.  

Creating an inviting culture in the library:

  • Assisting with preparing of library events like Banned Book week, Book Tasting, Guest Authors, and Reading Competitions
  • Assisting with keeping library organized which help keep the library open and accessible for patrons
  • Provides a student’s prospect and voice when developing events for students and deciding on book collection development.

Developing a spirit of service learning:

  • Being of assistance to staff as needed.
  • Working as a team to complete tasks.
  • Being a part of the community and promoting the importance of reading, not only on campus but also at Nueva Vista Elementary school by reading to the students during BIC.